CFDs on Commodities cover energy, agriculture and metals products. These products are traded in futures markets and derive their value from demand and supply characteristics.
Supply characteristics include the weather in the case of agriculture and costs of extraction in the case of mining and energies.
Demand for CFDs on Commodities tends to be characterised by broader conditions such as economic cycles and population growth. CFDs on Commodities can be traded as stand alone products or in pairs.
Metals and energies are traded against major currencies whereas agriculture futures contracts are traded as stand-alone contracts.
Commodity markets are attractive to speculators as they are susceptible to dramatic changes in supply and demand.
Opening Price$435.25 * 100 contracts * 4 = USD $174,100
Closing Price$460 * 100 contracts * 4 = USD $184,000
Gross Profit on Trade$USD $184,000 - $174,100 = $9,900
Wheat_N7 is currently trading at 434.00/435.25 and you are expecting Australia’s East Coast crops to be affected by adverse weather patterns over the coming year which will result in lower than average crop yields.
Your research surrounding weather conditions turns out to be correct. Lower crop yields this year have caused Wheat prices to increase to 460.00/462.15. You exit your position by selling your contracts at 460.
Mazi Finance Global allows trading of spot energy contracts including Crude Oil, Brent, and Natural Gas from your MetaTrader 4 and 5 platforms against the US Dollar. Trading energy contracts as a spot instrument has many advantages for investors who are only interested in price speculation.
Mazi Finance Global allows trading the spot price for metals including Gold or Silver against the US Dollar or Euro and the metals Platinum or Palladium against the US Dollar as a currency pair on 1:1000 leverage.
In addition to energy and metal contracts, at Mazi Finance Global we offer a range of soft commodity products to trade, including corn, soybeans, sugar, cocoa, coffee, and wheat as CFDs – all with low spreads and leverage up to 1:100.